by Anna Purna



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/28/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781425994686
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781434302793

About the Book

Why have a group of chimpanzees been chosen to participate in a religious study at Yale University? After a year of rigorous discipline, why do they suddenly disappear?

When Herbert Hickey, Professor of Anthropology at Yale University, and his beautiful wife Kathryn go to Africa to investigate, they are swept up in an adventure that leads them from the jungles of Africa to the tombs of Egypt and the caves of prehistoric Spain. Taken captive by the mysterious Dr. Lumumba, their lives will change forever.

About the Author

Anna Purna is a native of Southern California. Raised in an intellectual milieu not far from Hollywood Boulevard, her interests range from Homer and Doestoevsky to Lana Turner and Johnny Stompanato.

In college she received a degree in philosophy. This has helped her synthesize a world view of her own: “As I see it, we’re all here by accident.” She is an avid swimmer (“I do my best thinking when in the water”) and enjoys being in the Great Outdoors.  She has lately discovered that listening to the recordings of songbirds is “the best music of all.”

The author currently resides with her husband and dog in a beach community not far from Los Angeles.