Success in Motion

by John (Jack) Callahan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/30/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781434311238
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781452041162

About the Book

     You wouldn't consider driving from San Diego to Chicago without a GPS unit or a set of road maps would you? I certainly hope not!
     Yet many people travel through life without a plan or roadmap. Life is too special for that to happen to you. The book SUCCESS IN MOTION is similiar to a road map. My message is in a readable sequence of life's expectations, providing the reader with real life scenarios of success and methods to achieve success on their own.
     The second section of the book narrates the true-life stories of four successful individuals who have achieved their success in life. At the end of each narrative I have given my synopsis of the character enhancements the individuals needed to make their success possible.
     It is never too late for you to begin the journey for a better life and one filled with hope, happiness and success. Go for the ride that will enrich your life by putting a little effort in your everyday planning. Come on, get your passion juices flowing and experience the road to success.

About the Author

     JOHN (JACK) CALLAHAN Born into a life of poverty, illness and parents who believed he was a burden during the Depression years. He made his way through those difficult times to develop a life filled with a genuine purpose. Serving in the Navy during World War II, then moving on to spend many productive years in the Space and Missile Programs that eventually landed our Astronauts on the moon.

     John and his wife Frances met and married in 1947. They raised four sons and are still sharing their lives together sixty years later.

     Working and going to night school for a number of years gave John the ability to start his own business and become an entrepreneur of a manufacturing business at the age of forty. Starting a business with little capital John moved on through pure determination and commitment not to fail, to running a successful medium size manufacturing business for thirty-seven years. His ultimate succcess in life was working with his four sons for a number of years and enjoying the comradely of a family business.

     His first book MY SLICE OF LIFE was about his lifetime achievements and this new book SUCCESS IN MOTION is John's way of sharing his many successes and insights in life.