Love Under the Purple Mountain

by Todd W. Hamblin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/22/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781434318282

About the Book

The poems in this book are a portion of the writer’s total works.  They range from dedications to his children to dedications to some that we have lost.  These poems (some may call them prose) are for friends, lovers, and lonely people who still hope to meet that special one.  Be prepared for the steamy poems in the back of the book!  There is a poem dedicated to Elvis, written after his trip to Graceland.  There are love poems dedicated to those in his life.  As I Walk is a special poem, dedicated to those in his past.  What is Love was written after he finally found it.  One of Todd’s favorites is The Lady and the Rose, because of his romantic heart.  Most of these were written in the shadow of the Superstition Mountains, where he found his soul mate.  The picture on the cover, and the title, are in honor of that special time.

About the Author

Todd grew up in a very humble family.  He was one of five children, and moved within the state of Arizona.  The four brothers were rough and tumble, challenging each other in any situation.  When their sister was born, she joined right in with the boys.  When you grow up without money, you learn different life lessons.  He feels so deeply about everything.  That is where his words come from.  He sees injustices to those less fortunate.  He has lived it, so he identifies with them.  He writes about what he sees in their eyes.  He sees the love in someone that is not returned.  His hope for a life-long love has finally been realized, which has allowed his gifts to flow freely.  He is able to live the life that God has provided for him.  He is a family man, with a loving, caring heart for those near and dear to him.  These feelings are reflected in his works, and need to be shared with the world.  Please, enjoy this gift, given from the heart.