Exit Wounds
(For my son Fernando Jenkins Jr.)
You are stubborn, self-centered, and like things your way
Well buddy that ride stops today
The place and time you are about to enter, will make you a man
I can no longer be your covering or hold your hand
Exit Wounds!
It will be fun because you will set the rules
But don’t party too hard, stay focused, fi nish school
Let no man with words, or woman with her body, change your
Having self restraint, being responsible for ones self, and
blaming no one else, are characters of a man
Exit Wounds!
Let the lessons of life stay in your heart
Let the wisdom from elders never depart
Strive always to be the best you can be
If you are satisfi ed with yourself, don’t worry about me
Exit Wounds!
Everyone in life is destined for great things
You be the one to make the decisions on what life brings
Ride the bad times with patience, the good times cherish
Keep yourself balanced and things will fl ourish
Exit Wounds!
Remember material things and people will come and go
And for no reason at all you can gather foes
Let the Lord heal your heart aches and pain
Take down falls as lessons, and get up again
Exit Wounds!
When you need to talk, don’t come home, just call
I’m always here to help you through it all
I call this poem Exit Wounds, because I am releasing into this
world my son
I’m scared, but I’m proud of you, and I know with prayer you
can overcome!
Exit Wounds!
Forbidden Fruit
Beautiful from the outside to the core
Precious as can be, worth waiting for
Delicious to the taste, just my type
But out of season, not ripe
I dwell constantly on your delight
Th e temptation is very hard to fi ght
Selfi shly I want you by my side
But my desire is hard to hide
I don’t want to crush you or cause you any harm
So I must place you some where safe and calm
I must put you in the back of my mind
For I will taste you, and it’s not time
Now a forbidden fruit, once a secret pleasure
Th e fl avor you give; nothing cold measure
I will keep your sweetness in my heart forever
Your special blend, Ill always treasure
So take your time and continue to grow
Because fruit gets better with age, you know
I’ll keep you close, but out of sight
Because you’re so delicious, and I might bite!