Amharic Ethiopian Script
Lakech One
Book Details
About the Book
Amharic is a Semitic language that has been used for centuries.
Amharic Alphabets are used for documenting the old Ethiopian civilization. There are piled of books stored inside of the old Ethiopian Orthodox churches and has a lot of information very inportant for human kind. By teaching this language it might helping the new generation find out what the old Ethiopian civilization was like. Large Ethiopian communities now live out of there native country's. We have a second generation of children who have grew out of their culture and there communities wishing to return to
I started teaching ‘’Amharic’’ classes on Saturdays and Sundays. My classes are growing day by day.
The Laqech-one Amharic script helps all those who were and still interested in learning Amharic. Laqech-one Amharic script has all the standards which mean the social economic way of living standard of modern societies.