Pocket PorchLights

by Scott Abbott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/12/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781434318121

About the Book

A very real, and very worrisome reality for schools, teachers, parents and employers – is that our college and high school Millennials are often unrealistic and unprepared, about work and working.  No news flash there, for sure. 


Moreover, there’s justifiable concern that our young adults today, tend to believe that they’re “entitled” to great jobs, big salaries, material possessions and all of the fun, glory and perks that come from years of hard work: but without the proper training, years, or hard work.  That kind of troubling, misguided thinking is why Millennials are also labeled, the Entitlement Generation.  Go figure, right. 


Now, regardless of their actual behavior or outlook (for sure, not all young adults think or act that way) - this generalization of entitlement, coupled with an understandable lack of experience, preparation and wherewithal given their age - puts working-age Millennials at an understandable disadvantage when they think about and look for employment, and then after, as they begin their professional jobs. To complicate matters, they’re also inevitably dealing with a boatload of personal changes (both good and bad) that can be incredibly demanding, complicated and even painful.  Talk about multi-tasking. 


Confronting, managing and harnessing the dynamics of this newly blended personal/professional life - is precisely where, why and how Pocket PorchLights can help. After all, that’s its mission.


Pocket PorchLights is an edu-taining guide to help working Millennials with career-centric life skills.  Heartfelt and purpose-driven, it provides enlightening insights and perspectives, along with practical tools and recommendations, to help working Millennials (and by extension their schools, teachers, parents and employers) navigate, develop, manage and enjoy their new jobs, and new life.  Mutual success is good. 


Pocket PorchLights is an important, fun and meaningful book. It will challenge, educate and inspire. 


About the Author

Scott Abbott is an authentic leader. He’s an innovator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He has started companies, managed companies, and worked with hundreds of organizations, and thousands of people from around the world. He is a student and teacher of business and life. However, he thinks of himself foremost as a son, husband, father, friend and humanist. It was in this spirit of familial passion, caring, and commitment – coupled with what he calls his “heartfelt civic duty” – that he wrote Pocket PorchLights. When Scott’s not working, speaking, or coaching … he’s enjoying life with his family and friends. You can read more about Scott by visiting  www.pocketporchlights.com