The Psychologist’s Dilemma

by Harvey W. Gladhill



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/2/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781434324849

About the Book

This story takes place in a large western city Police Department. It tells of the trails and tribulations of the Psychologist who works for that Department. During the day she counsels officers that have emotional problems at her office in Police Headquarters. She also attends Trial Board hearings on officers she has counseled. She will give her recommendations on their punishment when asked. These problems can range from Anger/Control Issues, Anxiety, Depression, Parenting, Substance Abuse, Self Esteem Alcohol Issues etc. After 10 years on the Department she thought that she would like to open a private Office and operate it in the evenings. She would have counseling sessions with civilian clients at her private office. Shortly after she opened this office she started having problems there. These problems ranged from flat tires, Breaking and Entering and shootings. There is a person out to harass and kill or do great bodily harm to her. The Police Department has privately investigated her clients to see who the culprit was. This was to no avail. There was nothing in their investigation to point to any specific person.

About the Author