Altered Directions

by Vikee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/5/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9781434343970

About the Book

Sabrina always loved the Lord and she knew when she was just a child that God would use her in an awesome way. She sang in the choir and even felt His presence at an early age. She was a lovable, cheerful and outgoing little girl who knew as long as she stayed with God what direction her life would take.

Unfortunately, tragedy hit close to home and Sabrina's life spiraled out of control, so out of control, it took many years for her to find her way back. Her childhood disappeared and all the trust and peace she felt as a child was gone.

Journey with Sabrina as she loses sight of what is important and what she has to give up to find her way back to God.

About the Author

Valerie is a native of Baltimore, Maryland, who currently resides in White Marsh, Maryland. She has been writing poetry since she was eight years old. Her love for writing came when her oldest sister gave her a book written by Dr. Maya Angelou. After reading the book, she starting penning her own writings, short stories, and poems.

It wasn't until several years later that she started writing poetry for her friends and family. Whatever occassion, holiday or birthday came, Valerie wrote a personal poem centered around the person's character. In 2002 she met Author, Jonathan Luckett, at the mall in White Marsh and they started talking about the craft of writing. It was then she decided to finish a novel she started a few years before. She is mother of three grown children and the grandmother of five grandchildren.