Put Some Honey On It

by Harry W. Youngblood Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/5/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781434327239
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781434364067

About the Book

Put Some Honey On It

This debut book of poetry consists of three categories(spiritual, contemporary, and erotic) and it covers many aspects of life that we experience at one point or another in our lives whether it is religion, love, betrayal, tragedy, grief, comfort, or self worth. Having a positive outlook on life ushering in the belief and confidence that success is within our grasp and when tragedy strikes, even in the midst of all the turmoil, having the faith that one day the trouble will pass and the rainbow will once again shine bright in our lives, knowing that our tears are the down payment in this game called life that will elevate us to that level of success, humility, and faith. We are our brother’s keeper and in treating one another with dignity and respect we can in essence put some honey on it……thank you for taking a trip through this mind that I’ve been blessed with and enjoy the ride.



Harry W. Youngblood Jr.

About the Author

I was born in Chicago , Illinois on 8/14/1965 to Aysha and Harry Wesley Youngblood Sr. the oldest of their four children and number seven of ten children total by my mom. I have a nineteen year old son (Tony) who graduated from High School this year,  in February of 1985  I joined the military and served for 20 years having gone to war twice in the Middle East  "Desert Shield/Desert Storm (1991) & Iraqi Freedom (2003)". I’ve been married and divorced twice, the second one coincided with my retirement from the military the first marriage lasted 16 months and the last one 14 years.  I used to write poems only for the one’s that I was involved with in a relationship but during the last eight years of that second marriage I didn’t write at all I was catching a lot of hell trying to hold on to a marriage that was tearing me down, then five months after the divorce was final, I joined yahoo 360  in October of 2005 and a couple of writing groups, rekindled my passion with my pen and wrote a couple of poems, then something amazing happened, Ms Moni who lived in Milwaukee at the time wrote a poem titled "Outside" and that sparked me to write a poem with the same title which actually turned out to be a healing, a closure from the divorce and the evil thoughts that was attacking my mind.

God has truly blessed me in that I now have peace in my life, I'm truly happy, and with a dream being birthed and now brought forward with the publishing of my first book of poetry. It is my hope and sincere prayer that after reading my poems, you the reader would get something positive from it.