The Lightning Within
Book Details
About the Book
Subtle signs in my mind and in my body explode into physical symptoms. A medical journey begins that reads like fast paced fiction yet this story is true, a memoir.
Events from doctors' offices to hospitals will build, that will shock you, stun you and perhaps even mesmerize at times. The conclusion will leave you breathless as you sink into the depths of this book. My thoughts, hidden inside, have been explored with raw honesty. Medical conditions and our deepest thoughts are not as clear as smooth glass. This book will capture you as it touches your mind.
About the Author
Sharon San Angelo is a new author, an unusal author. She chose to write this dramatic book to reach people. Her medical experiences were vivid, real and must be happening to others. Her hope is to empower patients in their quest for health in the challenging medical world of today. Sharon lives in the Fingerlakes region of New York State with her husband, David. She has three adult children with children of their own. She is a member of Writers and Books of Rochester, New York and Wayne County Council of the Arts. A passion for books and an enjoyment of writing have always been in her life. A long - ago English teacher said to her, “you should be a writer.”