Closing Doors

On the Echoes of the Past

by W. L. Washington



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/30/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781434336262

About the Book

Closing Doors speaks to the heart of every man, woman and child who has ever had any unresolved issues.  The question is posed: How can you move away from your past, when you keep running into it?  Dr. Washington takes a personal approach at leading readers into deliverance from their past and becomes very transparent in sharing his own stages of closing doors.  His instructions for Forgiving, Forsaking, and Far-getting past hurt guarantees that doors will not only close, but will slam shut, seal and force you to move forward.  "How do you grow beyond who you are?" You close doors and make the transition from "bitter" to "better".  Dr. Washington warns the reader to "Beware of open doors, for they release the echoes of your past and draw you back to a time and place you've once endured.  You must close the doors of the past in order to enjoy the future that God has for you, for it is a fact: Time does not close doors, we must!"

About the Author

Dr. W. L. Washington is the Presiding Prelate of the Power House of Deliverance Churches Inc. and the Senior Pastor of The Power House of Deliverance Garden Cathedral in Greensboro NC.  Dr. Washington’s ministry began in 1968 in Evangelism.  He co-founded Youth on the Move for Christ International (’73-’85) with Dr. L. Ramona Howard.  Youth on the Move for Christ International was an interdenominational ministry geared toward the College Community, providing Ministerial Training within Local Churches, Campus Ministries, Prison Ministries –the total church experience.  Throughout the years he has served in numerous capacities within his local church assembly as well as Youth Minister and National Youth Director.  He has been pastoring since 1982 when he founded Power House of Deliverance in Morgantown, West Virginia.  In August 1985, he was consecrated as a Bishop in the Lord’s church under the hand of his Spiritual Father and Founder of the organization, Bishop Johnny H. Covington.  At present, Dr. Washington serves on the Executive Board for the Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops under the directives of Bishop J. Delano Ellis III.  In March 2004 during the Joint College he received his Doctorate of Divinity in Rome, Italy. Dr. Washington personifies Kingdom Ministry at its most exemplary level.  His life’s work of soul-winning for the Kingdom of God is indicative of his steady push to do God’s Will.  With the debut of his book, “Closing Doors on The Echoes of the Past”, Dr. Washington now adds ‘author’ to his list of credits.

A loving family man, Dr. Washington is married to Lady Alice B. Washington and they have 5 children, 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren as well as a host of Spiritual sons and daughters.  Bishop W. L. Washington remains “Your Servant for Christ Sake.”