Human Engineering

Success = People x Effort + Cause

by Dr. Timothy Dosemagen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/26/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781434328779

About the Book

In his 5th book, Dr. Dosemagen again demonstrates his considerable story telling capacity. This writing shifts in focus from entertaining short stories, (as in The Impossible) and novels (as in Prodigies and The Trigger) toward a how-to book offering a road map toward a new model of transformational leadership. Though Human Engineering is first and foremost a book about succeeding ethically, it does not stray far from Dosemagen’s first love: biting, yet cogent social commentary.


Picking up where his Rediscovering the American Dream ends, this book expands the realm of social responsibility beyond the borders of the US, offering recognition of global, not just national aspirations and obligations. His recipe for a new and improved vision of humanity is more worldly and savvy than Pauline Christianity, and yet it is also more ethical and aware of duties of the means to ends than Marxism’s new socialist man. In short, Dosemagen’s model is a hybrid of teleological and deontological ethical theories melded into a workable leadership recipe.


The book opens with Dosemagen’s visions of the past and the future; he summons an Hegelian dialectic, beginning in a primordial setting where humankind lacks language and norms, and evolves through increasingly complex social and physical attributes. It culminates with the loftiest elements of modern American culture, which he sees as very good.


Yet, the book articulates the many problems that remain unsolved. What does Dosemagen see as the next evolutionary step for humankind? For those who have attained the requisite morality and intellect, he claims the future calls for human engineering – an enlightened, humanistic equation that unites humanity and works to make life both fairer and easier to understand.  The work climaxes with an explanation of his simple human engineering equation: Success = People X Effort + Cause.


- Dr. Jonathan Lewis

About the Author

Founder and Chairman of the American Dream Party of the United States of America, Dr. Tim Dosemagen served in the United States Air Force for 7 years during the Carter and Reagan Administrations as a Cryptologic Analyst. Dosemagen was decorated with the Air Force Achievement Medal, the Joint Service Achievement Medal, and the Air Force Commendation Medal.


After completing full-time government service, Dosemagen instructed Chinese Mandarin in the Kenosha Unified School District, before joining the professional service of the Boy Scouts of America.


Dosemagen then served La Leche League International’s Director of Operations, and then as Director of Marketing and Funding for the American IEF Education Foundation.


He then served as a consultant to Central Michigan University’s College of Distance and Distributed Learning, continuing his consultancy with the Bright China Management Institute in Beijing, introducing the Dr. Peter F. Drucker E-MBA to China.


He then served as Executive Director of ABC Child Development, Inc.


The University of Phoenix promoted Dosemagen to the position of Director of Academic Affairs, where he instructs coursework in 48 disciplines across five colleges.


Dosemagen also serves on the Faculty of Western International University, instructing graduate coursework in leadership.


In addition to his B.A. in East-Asian Studies from the University of Maryland, Dosemagen holds a Masters in Human Services from Murray State University, and received his Doctorate in Education from Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.


An Eagle Scout, Paul Harris Fellow, long time Rotarian and American Legionnaire, Dosemagen is also a Vigil Honor Member of the Order of the Arrow, and received the American Inn of Court of Northern Illinois’ Distinguished Service Award. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Tucson Arizona Boy Scout Council, and volunteers on behalf of charitable organizations in numerous nationwide capacities.


Dosemagen is the author of five books.