Veils of an Eagle

by Lisa Al-gharaballi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/8/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781434371102
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467837545

About the Book


This book is a captivating story about Arabian and American culture clashing together, during a time when the East and West are transforming into their future.  Changes were happening on both sides, such as new music, new fashion, and new foods mingled within a belief system that had to make compromising promises.  These changes would allow new friends and business relationships to develop, hoping to insure a positive future for all nations.  The story also speaks of love, life and the choices we make while surviving under the most extreme circumstances of war, foreign marriage and living far away from home.  The adventures relayed in the book are based on a true story.


About the Author


Lisa Al-gharaballi is a single mom.  She is also a survivor of the Gulf war and was separated from the father of her children.

Always willing to help, she is an avid community service volunteer.  She also enjoys participating in fundraisers for research on MS, Children's Cancer, Kidney Foundation, and Heart Disease.  She keeps involved with Organizations that help rehabilitate people into society.

Her achievements include a Silver Apple award from the school board and various awards for her art.  Lisa is a part-time college student majoring in creative writing.  She also owns a fine arts gallery. You may view creative works of other fine artists as well as her own online at

One of Lisa's favorite memories is of a time when she spoke about Arabian life to her children's classmates at their elementary school.

Her disabled pets also bring her much joy.