Shimmy To Gold:

Kelley’s Story

by Thurman W. Robins, Ed. D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/16/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781434338105
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781434360083

About the Book

The book is an inspirational, motivational and biographical account of an African American girl seeking to compete at elite levels of competitive swimming.  It begins with her first experience in summer league competition and ends with her competing at the Division I level of NCAA Swimming Championships and the U.S.A. Olympic Trials.


The story is a journey through early schooling intertwined with competitive experiences. The twist and turns, up and down of early experiences help motivate the young athlete.  Experiences are interesting and varied and provide avenues for reflection and assessment.


Motivational aspects when coupled with desire, determination, dedication, and hard work are powerful tools used to reach goals and objectives.  One unique aspect of the story reveals the working relations between parent/coach and child as she pursues her dream and mission.  Multiple motivating techniques and fatherly advice provide for interesting dialog between parent and child through early schooling, theatrical pursuits, and other interesting childhood experiences.


The biographical account focuses on one age group swimmer’s attempt to reach heights and levels of accomplishment which seem impossible.  As Kelley moves from one level of competition to another new challenges present themselves.  Meeting these new challenges and overcoming them all to achieve her goals and objectives provide interesting commentary to the journey.

About the Author

For more then 35 years Dr. Thurman W. Robins has been a participant, coach and administrator in sports and athletic programs.  As a participant he was captain of his high school swimming team, and likewise was captain of his collegiate swimming team.  He earned NAIA All-American status in his collegiate career at Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


He began his professional career as Aquatic Director at a local YMCA in Houston. After one year he entered the teaching coaching arena in public schools (HISD).  He successfully coached at the high school level for twelve years in a variety of sports including basketball, football, and swimming.  He served as head swimming coach during those twelve years.


For the past 30 years he has worked at Texas Southern University, as professor in the Health and Kinesiology department and served as department head for the last eleven years.  During his tenure at TSU he served on two separate occasions as Director of Athletics.


Dr. Robins has also served as Director/Coordinator of the City of Houston, Parks and Recreation Competitive Swimming Program for seven years.  He joined two other gentleman who helped form an age group competitive swimming program for Houston Harris County Pct. 1 from 1991- 2002.  His duties included coaching and consultant for the program. 


Dr. Robins published his first book entitled “Swimming Against the Odds” in 2003.  He is a native Houstonian.  He currently lives in Houston with his wife Doris Rodgers Robins.