Ponder This II




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/19/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 420
ISBN : 9781434344670
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 420
ISBN : 9781434344663

About the Book

Ponder This II is the second "adult primer" concerning our nation. It will allow a quick glance at our vulnerabilities and our readiness,or the lack thereof, in case of national emergencies. Are we ready to defend our homes and country from internal and external forces? Are we ready to live through manmade and natural disasters? We had better be ready because there is a possibility that our nation will experience one or more of these problems in the future. Maybe soon, maybe in the distant future. We had better prepare to face many and varied enemies that lay in wait.


There could be all sorts of attacks aimed at our homes, businesses and farms. Or there might be epidemics or pandemics on a national course that could be damaging to our population. The bigger the loss, the more enticing it is to lose our freedom by leaders wanting to take over the nation. We have had freedom for 230 years and we think it will never be lost. It can be, and rapidly. Will our leaders guide us through the problems of tomorrow and the future? Or will they have the opportunity to tell us what to do and when? Will national problems open the door to our loss of freedom due to inside or outside pressures?


We have to make sure that the leaders we chose will be strong and honest. Can you decide what are lies and what is right and what is wrong? Will you vote for the politician that promises peace and prosperity but give you weakness and economic disaster? This could be the policy of a Democratic, Republican or Independent party. But remember, a vote for a third party will only be a vote for a "Big Two." Learn how to judge and be sure that you are not lulled into the future by the party you have always favored.


We must have leaders that are smart, moral and ethically correct and with common sense, all based upon the judgement of our Founding Fathers. Democracies are scarce around the world. Don't let ours get away.

About the Author