Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

by Sue Buzzeo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/1/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467019439
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781434350152

About the Book

In 2004 Sue found herself dealing with the fallout of the breakdown of her fourth marriage. Vowing never to marry again, she met Mark during a residential training course. Despite all her reservations and her determination not to fall in love, she realised that she had found a man who loved her like no other. On the day of their house move into their new home and new life together, she found a lump in her right breast. Within ten days it was confirmed, she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and needed an operation immediately. Sue then faced an aggressive course of chemotherapy over a six month period, followed by radiotherapy.

This is the story of a very ordinary woman, a wife and mother of six, who has had quite an extraordinary life. It tells of her thoughts, feelings and emotions as she faced up to the prospect of losing her breast and dealing with the tough treatments that followed. Sue, like many diagnosed with cancer, did not know what to expect and so she has written this book with the hope that is will provide encouragement and inspiration for those in a similar situation.

Sue very honestly talks of her relationship with God and how the cancer affected her outlook and how, just when she felt that too much had happened in her life for God ever to be able to play a part, there was an incredible catalogue of events that took place giving her the message that God had never left her side.

For every copy sold, a donation will be made to Breast Cancer Care and Cancer Research in the hope that with this support, further advancements can be made in the fight against cancer.

About the Author

Sue is now 52 years old and has had rather an extraordinary journey in her life. She has been married and divorced four times having to deal with very controlling relationships, being abused in a violent relationship, finding her husband having an affair and dealing with an alcoholic.

She has lived not only in the UK, but also in South America and France. Having found herself on more than one occasion a single parent, she has fought to keep her children and at times holding down three jobs to keep food on the table.

Sue is now happily married with six children, which include two step sons. In 2004 Sue was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to fight hard against the disease which threatened to end her life in six months if she did not start treatment.

All her life experiences have made Sue what she is today, determined, a fighter and an optimist. She has had a personal relationship with God since being a young teenager but that relationship was challenged as she lost her father suddenly in an accident during her twenties. Angry with God, she was determined to live her life, her way. Only now can she testify to the incredible events that occurred in her life that proved to her just how much God loved her and how He would never walk away.

This is Sue's first book that she has written and she hopes that it will encourage and inspire other cancer suffers and their families. She also hopes that it will be a tool to raise money for Breast Cancer Care and Cancer Research.