My Eyebrows Are Hiding

by Danette W. Morrison & Dana A. Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/15/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781434340290

About the Book

My Eyebrow's Are Hiding is about a girl who discovers the loss of her hair is more than just sensitive skin.  She doesn't understand why this is happening to her so she prays and asks God to help her find out what has happened to all of her hair.  Join Louise as she loses more than her hair and gains the most unexpected.

About the Author

Danette Morrison, a native of New Orleans now resides in Houston, Texas with her husband and their three beautiful children.  She is a graduate of Louisiana State University and has taught for over 18 years.  She is currently teaching and working on her next book.

Dana Johnson, is a native of New Orleans but resides in Baton Rouge with her husband and two daughters. 
She is a graduate of Louisiana State University and is currently working on her second novel.