Just a little tear

Poetry Shared by Joe Bradford, JB

by Joe Calvin Bradford



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/4/2007

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781434340320
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781434340313

About the Book

Never expect of a moment, if a moment you cannot give

I have written poetry for many years and have been coerced by family and friends to have my work published. The poems are written by moments in my life that have influenced my thoughts and words, giving guidance in the way I love and live my life.

Nothing can touch anyones heart as the perfect word for that special moment or that inspirational touch of a voice when it is needed most.   

About the Author

Born in San Angelo, Texas July 20 1957, then moving to the small city of Sherwood, Texas where I attended high school at Irion County High. After high school I bounced around with some school and different jobs, always trying to find what fit the best, always searching for the wings of flight. 

I had lived most of my life in the USA, but after my job took me out of Texas and the USA in 1995, I fell in love with many other countries, Venezuela at the top of this list. I married my wife of today, Maite, a Venezuelan in 1996 in a small church nestled just below the mountains of Caracas where we now share our home with  two of our children in Caracas. My two older children, grown, live and go to college in the USA.

I would go into great detail of my Mom and Dad, my special Aunt and other family members and friends, but you will read in my words, most of these stories.

I have always enjoyed writing and hope this will only be the beginning of my journey of words.

(I still remember Neil Armstrong's speech on my birthday 1969 as he took his first step on the moon, setting an influence on each day of my life and words afterwards.)

What a trip it has been for me as I have traveled many countries, seen many beautiful sights, and more importantly gained many great friends of many different areas and cultures of the world.

I hope the words inside may have an influence in you and bring a tender emotion to your heart.

Dream to be Great, wake to do it.

All the best

Joe Bradford, JB