Open Book Surgery

Core Cutting Cure

by Renee Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/1/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781434349644

About the Book

Extraordinary quotes that will help you uncover the core issues of your life. Why? Because we are responsible both physically and spiritually to take care of our bodies. One of the major steps toward addressing any issue is dealing with the root cause of a problem; which is the beginning stages of recovery. Take a look at your life; undress your mind as you admit yourself to the Open Book Surgery. While reading, allow the words to cut you open so it can remove unnecessary blockage that may prevent you from moving forward. Thereafter, expect a little soreness or discomfort as you are cured to live a better quality of life.


About the Author

“Exposing someone’s hidden skills can divulge the greatness buried inside of them”


The aforementioned mantra has come to define Renee Smith’s professional and personal journeys.


A native of Mississippi, Renee currently resides in Georgia where she is committed to community service and has served on numerous committees and boards for various Non-Profit, church and civic organizations. 


She enjoys inspiring and speaking to both youth and adult audiences about their unused and untouched abilities lying dormant inside of them.


Renee published her first book, “The Shining Diamond” in 2002. The Shining Diamond has touched numerous lives in the United States and abroad.