Mountain Sheep Hunting in British Columbia

by Wilfred W. Klingsat



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/28/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781434396495

About the Book

Laugh at the hilarious predicaments the author found himself in – or more truthfully put – put himself in.  You will be guided through vicarious journeys that will educate you on the various aspects of mountain sheep hunting.  Learn the tricks and methods that will enable you to have a successful sheep hunt.

Resident and non-resident will greatly benefit from the suggestions and outlines provided by the author of over three decades of mountain hunting.  From statistical data to all out school-of-hard knocks-experience you will reap the rewards of success no matter what your level of mountain experience is.

This book is a virtual “how to” on all aspects of mountain sheep hunting.  Follow the step-by-step guide for planning a sheep hunt.

The author interviews a top sheep guide and a successful sheep outfitter and garnishes in-side information on locating sheep, where to look, how different weather patterns affect the rams and much more.  You will be tutored on how to act when hunting with a guide; what to bring and what not to bring.  Information on  horn identification and what makes a good trophy.

Over 30 coloured photographs depicting habitat, sheep and sheep hunters.  For anyone contemplating a mountain sheep hunt in British Columbia and for everyone who has had the privilege of pursing one of the finest game animals in the world this book is a must-have addition for the novice and for the seasoned sheep hunter.

Accompany the author on a self-guided mountain sheep hunt and experience the excitement of the final stalk.  Written by a hunter who pounded the ground for nearly 40 years in his sojourns over varying terrain in search of the stately and magnificent wild sheep of British Columbia.

About the Author

Born August 26th, 1940. Trouble is I missed opening day of Stones sheep hunting by 25 days. Truth of the matter is I didnt take up sheep hunting until my late twenties. Married when I was 19. By the way, still married — and to the same woman. Proves that some women can really understand a sheep hunter. Three offspring, none of which hunt but they all like fishing. Raised in Victoria, B.C., then went to Kamloops, B.C. Kamloops is where I really started to hunt. Got interested in mountain hunting and got addicted to sheep. It doesnt matter what species, it doesnt matter what kind of country. Sheep hunting is sheep hunting from the wide open alpine basins to the Jack Pine thickets of Spences Bridge. What does matter is that the game is played fairly. Stick by all the standards of fair chase and when the trophy is had you will know in your heart and your soul that you earned it.