The Howard Dean Diary

by David W. Dodt Sr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/28/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781434350299

About the Book

  I decided that writing a book about Howard Deen the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee just might be interesting. So I read all I could about the man. Then I got hold of some of his speeches and checked in on the Democratic Party web sight for more information. By now I had a good idea as to how the man would respond to people, situations and ideas. This is called profiling at the CIA. The 2008 election was coming up and events were shaping up even in 2006. So I decided to start in 2007 and take the events that were taking place and add his mind set to them. I came up with 20 points that would have to take place in order to make the Democratic Party sucessful in capturing the 2008 presidential election. Then I watched every political event and news show that took place on TV. I also monitored the major newspapers and news magazines as to their take on the nations political events. The reader can look them up themselves if thay want, there is eniough information available in the book to do that. But the reader is always looking through the eyes of Howard Deen. You will find he is as hard on Democrats as he is Republicans.

About the Author

  After being honorably discharged as a petty officer imn the U.S. Navy the author attended The American and The Chicago Academy of Art in the hope of becoming a TV Art Director. He became an Art Director at a small TV station in Saganaw Mich. But economic circumstances made it necessary to change jobs, so he ended up at GM Powertrain. He eventually got into skilled trades as a member of the Dimensional Conformance Group at Powertrain. His job was to write computer programs for robotic systems that determined the dimensional integrity of the engines and other parts produced at GM Powertrain. In fact he wrote the first prodicals for proforming that job. He eventually learned four computer languages and the Unigraphics CAD 2D and 3D systems as well as working with software that preformed statistical analysis. The author retired with 35 plus years of seniority.
  His writing skills were used as he wrote, "The Republican View," in the local UAW newspaper. He was also County Chairman for Reagan in 1976, 80 and 84. He was also Labor Liaison for the Ohio Republican Party for many years.