“I got issues” is so true for many people, and this is about us. I read in the Bible that God said, “Let us make them in our image.” I thought that I was so far from the image of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now I understand that that is why Jesus went to the Cross. God knew I would have issues. He knew we all would have issues. Well, like Dr. Phil always says, “You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.” I had to realize that with the help of God, I have made it through my mother being shot and killed. I made it through my favorite uncle being shot and killed, etc. But I still had issues that I just did not see. I was too busy looking at everyone else to gauge myself. I have always been my worst critic. But as long as someone else had issues I could see, I didn’t feel so bad about what I had or had not accomplished. I just wish someone had told me I had issues. Okay, many people have told me that I had issues—I just wouldn’t listen because, well, they had more than me! At least, that is what I thought. There is no such thing as “more than me.”An issue is an issue. “I can’t stop doubting myself,” “I wish I could just trust somebody,” “I wish I could just get over all that stuff ,” and my favorite, “I just want to be happy!” Trust me, you are not alone. Every day, we have to strive to be like Christ, and yes, we will fall short, but that is okay. Keep praying and trying—in the name of Jesus Christ, keep trying!