
by Kimo Ledbetter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/2/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781452042053
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781438953939
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781438953946

About the Book

   “Cutbait” is the story of a fisherman, a town and it’s Mayor who would stop at nothing to win a fishing tournament. The book records their downward spiral into the depths of immorality, fueled by greed. The setting is backwater coastal Alabama, where rivers run dark and sluggish, and the mood is grim. The protagonist is an unrefined, disturbed individual named J.M.Teredos. Included in the unsavory stew is his alcoholic fishing partner, Zeke; Roland Stark, the sadistic hate filled Police Chief; Becky Youngblood, the promiscuous secretary; Joe Cotton, the crooked Mayor, and the millionaire antagonist, Erik Lindstrom. Together, they “flesh out” the “bones” of the story. Central to the narrative is Teredos’ cutbait, a gruesome concoction born of vileness and depravity. “Cutbait” paints a picture of disparity between the “haves” and the “have nots.” It’s about flawed human nature and how easily the thin veneer of civility is stripped away to reveal a side of ourselves that we prefer not to think about . Coated with a healthy dose of twisted humor, Cutbait’s rancid core is sure to test one’s palate. It’s a tale of dysfunction and guaranteed to appeal to your darker sensibilities.

About the Author

   Half Japanese, half Caucasian. Equal parts Hawaii and Alabama.  Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.  Poi and grits. Sashimi and fried catfish.  Liberal and conservative redneck. Born in Honolulu in 1953, Kimo Ledbetter moved to Alabama in 1974 at the ripe age of 21. Alabama continues to be his home. Married, with two children, Kimo lives in a quaint rural river town on the slopes of an ancient meteor crater. His hobbies include painting, drinking import beer, dirtbiking, writing scathing letters critical of politics to the local newspapers, and drinking domestic beer. Did we mention drinking beer? “Cutbait” is his first attempt as a novelist, but providing this book sells a copy or two, other books are forthcoming. New ideas are constantly incubating and hatching in the dark recesses of his cerebral cortex. (That’s brain to all you yoo hoos.) Kimo hopes this book grabs your attention where it hurts. Buy it. He needs the money.