Menagerie In Sync

A collection of poetic art.

by Cynthia L. Thibodeau



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/7/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781434383433

About the Book


  In Sync’

  Welcome to the world of Literary Art.


This book has a unique concept

with a diverse collection of original poetic stories that have been applied to the photography taken by the author/artist.


These poems are multifaceted and can be related to and enjoyed by all walks of life.


A © Free Spirited Expressions Collection


About the Author

Cynthia L. Thibodeau is a successful business woman who was born and resides in the mountains of western Maine.


Raised in a rural area, she completed her education and enjoys travel whenever the opportunity allows, promoting and enhancing her artistic abilities.


As a mother of two daughters, she is a combination of diversified characteristics and credits her children for encouraging the development of who she is now.


Cyndi’s love for the outdoors combined with her passion for writing and photography has allowed her ‘free spirit’ to produce a collection of literary art viewable for all to enjoy.


The books contents of poetry and photography have been compiled over many years. These pieces of art are original and are edited and produced by her as the author / artist.