Living Victorious In Stressful Situations Through Jesus Christ

Jesus Is The Only Way

by Dr. John W. Manning



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/29/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781438914596

About the Book

This book is to let you know that you can overcome anything through Jesus Christ, and it is to show you the benefits you will have if you accept Jesus into your life and serve Him each and every day of your life. This book is to also meant to help you understand the Word  Of  God.

About the Author

My name is Rev. John W. Manning, and I want you to know that it is nothing you have done in your life is to hard for Jesus to forgive you. I am the 7th Child of my family and I felt out so I did everything but Rape,Drugs and Murder but I got tried of being sick and tried so I accepted Jesus into my life and after a few years He called me to Preach His Word and I am very glad He did now when He need someone to go some where no matter where I tell Him I'll go. Until I accepted Jesus into my life I didn't know how to love but now I do, and now I can truly say Satan How Do You Like Me Now can you say that?