Pitch Black

by Chuck Sisson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/18/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781438904757
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781438904764

About the Book

Stan Miles was dispatched by the National Center for the American Indian in New York City to a supply center in Richmond, Virginia. He was to transport several boxes of Indian artifacts that had been unearthed during a Corps of Engineer project on the Navajo Indian reservation. When Stan was helping unload the artifacts he discovered drugs. He was subdued by the men delivering the articles, knocked unconscious and thrown in a subbasement of the supply center.



The story is about Stan’s trials and tribulations in the Pitch Black of the basement of the supply center and his brother, Larry’s, relentless search to find Stan. Larry’s desperate search takes him to the Navajo Reservation and a brush with murder in a high-stakes drug game.

About the Author

The author of Pitch Black,  is Chuck Sisson.  Chuck was born in Englewood, Colorado in 1933. After a brief professional baseball career he completed his Baccalaureate Degree (1956) and Masters Degree (1958) at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. He was later awarded fellowships at Florida State University and Colorado University where he completed his doctorate (1974).


His career began as a teacher and a coach in Independence, Kansas. He moved to Winfield, Kansas where he was eventually appointed Assistant Superintendent of Winfield Schools before leaving for Florida State in 1970. He then took an administrative position in the Boulder Valley Schools in Boulder, Colorado, followed by three years in the Colorado Department of Education.  He was appointed to a special position in the Gerald Ford Administration in Washington DC as an educational analyst.


Following his public service he moved to the private sector at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, Electronic Data Systems in Plano, Texas, and Oracle in Redwood Shores, California.


He finished his career as an adjunct professor at Texas A and M University in Commerce, Texas.


He has retired to his residence of the past 23 years with his wife. Paula, in McKinney, Texas. He has six children, twelve grandchildren and three great grandchildren.


Contact information:

Email  sissonchuck@yahoo.com

Book Web Site  www.booksbychucksisson.com