Bush’s 7th Year – Civil War in Iraq

“Stay the Course ‘Surge’ Dirge”

by Robert R. Morman, Ph. D.

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/10/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781434381897

About the Book


            Bush’s 7th Year – Civil War in Iraq “Stay the Course ‘Surge’ Dirge” describes the ongoing sellout of U. S. sovereignty by Bush and his one-world cohorts.

             As an alleged “fiscal conservative” conservative, he is completely irresponsible with the largest federal budgets and national debt in history.

             With respect to his policy of pre-emptive war, sectarian warfare between the Sunnis and Shiites continues. A “shared” government among Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites and militarily imposed democracy is pure fantasy

             The idea of a lean, mean military machine has proved in- adequate with a surge in troops required that Gen. Shinsecki initially requested at the start of the war in Iraq. Training of Iraqis providing for their security is progressing at a snail’s pace.

             Immigration and trade continue with borderless control and futile attempts at “delayed amnesty” legislation continue with trade deficits passing the $700 billion mark and climbing.

             Foreign policy is a joke with little of significance achieved. Nevertheless, Bush continues with his one-world sellout of the U. S. with his active pursuit of the Security, Prosperity and Partnership and the North American Union—integration of the U. S., Canada and Mexico a la the European Union with sovereignty and nationalism retained in name only.

             Indeed, Bush is by intent, “America Second” in aim and deed!

About the Author

Robert R. Morman was born in Lansford, PA. He He served in the USN as Chief Yeoman during  WWII and later joined the USAFR and retired as a Major.  He received the B. A., M. A. and Ph. D.  degrees in psychology (USC, 1955). He worked as  a research psychologist, counseling psychologist,  and professor in psychology and education at  CSULA. Xlibris.com published “Final Departures  of the Famous,” “Exits of the Eminent,” “Passing  of the Prominent” and “Bush’s Fourth Year, Post  War Iraq.  lstBooks.com (AuthorHouse.com)  published several books on the Clinton presidency,  “Bush’s Presidential Election 2000,” “Bush’s First  Year…,“ “Bush’s Second Year…” and “Bush’s Third  Year...” AuthorHouse also published “Lights Out for  Laudable Luminaries” in ’05, “Bush’s 6th Year— Civil War in Iraq…” in ’07 and “Demises of the  Distinguished” in ’07.