God Loves the Hell Out of You

by Eric W. McClintock



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/8/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781434384119

About the Book

     The title of this book know doubt lead you to read this.  God and His love toward us has really been lacking in our lives.  This book gives you insight into the origins of hell and how it has changed throughout history.  Not only has hell been defined many ways but it has become very destructive.  I hope not only to clear many of the mis-conceptions up for you but to also help you see that the love of God has no limitations.

About the Author

Eric McClintock lives in Northern California and is married with two children.  He is the manager of a small nonprofit organization and is a ordained minister.  He is the author of, "Two Covenants : Mysteries Uncovered", and never thought of himself as a writer.  Here is his second written work from his personal dealings with God.