Memories of my Grandfather

by Cynthia Long



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/17/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781438948737
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781438948720

About the Book

A new site for my book and other links, go to

This is the story of my grandfather's life, how he lived in Hazard Kentucky, and moved to Connersville, Indiana.

 My story of his life explains how he helped the entire town of Hazard during the depression and then went on to serve his country during WWII.

 After WWII, he took a new journey when he moved his family north to Indiana.

My grandfather, John Walker, researched one of his favorite Presidents, Lincoln, and found a mystery about one of his cabinet members, Caleb B. Smith.  Smith’s body was not in his tomb and so John Walker set out to look for it at other places in Indiana. Smith’s body was never found.

My book will include John Walker’s collection of publications about Truman, another president he adored. He even had three portraits painted of Truman by a local artist

My grandfather received an invitation to tour the White House in the Reagan Era; he was honored in Washington for 50 years of membership to the Free Masons.  At the end of his life he was a 60 year Masonic Member

 He walked the Appalachian and Jenny Wiley Trails after retirement

 Just e-mail me at longevitykentucky@yahoo.comt or go to the web page for more


About the Author

Born in a little town in southwestern Indiana called, Columbus. I grew up in the 60's with hearing lots of wonderful stories of the memories of my grandparents log cabin home in Hazard, Ky. I grew up loving history, and listening to my grandfather recite poetry. I attended Indiana University, and I've written many stories that have been published in the paper, and online. I have spent many hours on my Genealogy, and have my family tree online at