America the Greatest, But...

by Harold W. Powell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/28/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781434393340
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781434393333

About the Book

British Prime Minister Tony Blair, speaking on the third anniversary of the coalition invasion of Iraq said. ”What happens in Iraq or Afghanistan today is not just crucial for the people in those countries or even in those regions, but for our security here and round the world.  It is an entirely noble cause to help people in need of our help in pursuit of liberty, and a self-interest one, since in their salvation is our own security.”

America is at one of the most critical stages in U. S. history.  There are so many BUTS that have to be taken care of, or we will never last another two hundred years.  It is imperative that we, the American citizen start paying attention, and voice opinions about issues that are slowly eroding our freedom that was mandated by the Constitution.  It is very easy to contact your Representatives and Senators by E-Mail or by the blue pages in your phone book.  Let all your friends on your E-Mail list know how you feel and encourage them to side with you on the issues.  Your Representatives in Washington will listen, because you are the voters that put them there.

Times change very fast because some people are never satisfied with the status quo. Some are very slow because of greed, uncertainty and politics.  As we reflect back on the past, these words are so true. Take a look the advancement we have made in space exploration, medicine, DNA, gene knowledge, electronics and communications. On the negative side, we are still forced to use gasoline to operate our automobiles and pollute the air we breathe. We are polluting the air with all kinds of health problems from coal-fired electric generating plants. We are destroying the oceans and marine life with oil spills from cargo ships and drilling rigs. We are destroying the ozone layer, thereby causing the ice in the Artic to melt, thereby creating another problem. The weather pattern is changing, which in turn will create more devastating storms.

Here is a question for all you readers. Do you believe the World Trade Agreement and illegal immigration are creating a lower standard of living for the U. S. citizen? It is pre-determined that politics and greed are.

About the Author

About the author