Vaudeville Blues

A Novel

by Bob Brackin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/8/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781434387585
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781434387578

About the Book

Vaudeville Blues, a novel set in Chicago in 1938, involves a young man whose mother, now deceased, had been in vaudeville.  He grew up mostly with another family, because his mother was often on the road.  In the beginning of the book he meets a young actress, is drawn to her, but is afraid of involving himself too deeply with someone who’s in the theater.  The story develops that relationship, explores his coming to terms with his past, and also introduces us to Vaudeville Blues, the book’s namesake.

About the Author

Bob Brackin lives in Orlando, Florida.  He’s a 1975 graduate of the University of Central Florida, with a B.A. degree in English.