Received or… D E C E I V E D
Examine Yourselves… 2 Corinthians 13:5
Book Details
About the Book
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
Mahatma Gandhi
For even one person to make a statement such as this should reveal there is a problem and a shame that needs correcting!
Doing great "good works," no matter how moral or determined, is not going to get one into the Kingdom of Heaven, or worse yet, keep one out of the depths of hell. Being a "good person," the descendant of "good people," proper church attendance, or hopefully the scales will balance out in the end, will not open heaven's door.
Today, many are deceived believing they are heaven bound for the hereafter while hell-bent in the here and now. How does the visible "church" today present Christ to a lost world, when today's "church members" are contributors to that lost and dying world?
There is a day of accountability coming when "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess" called Judgment Day. All of God's plan is based on eternity. History is the revelation of eternity past. Man is in eternity present while here on earth. Everyone will enter eternity future immediately after their final breath.
God did not provide many ways for man to be "received." He provided and designated one way and one Person - Himself, in flesh form, in the Person of Jesus Christ. Pride, arrogance and deception keep people from accepting this Sacrifice.
On Judgment Day "religious" talk will not work. Obedience is the criteria by which man will gain entrance into or be rejected from the Kingdom of Heaven. With true salvation comes a personal and obedient relationship with Jesus Christ.
This is written to those who believe they have been received BUT... may very likely be deceived.
2 Corinthians 13:5
About the Author
The Author is a sinner saved by God’s grace, mercy, and compassion. Coming out of the lying, dark world of deception into the “light” provided by Jesus Christ has been an eye opener, not to mention a heartache, to see others as deceived as I once was. Only the location is different, as these deceived are within the “church.” This has not been written for judging others … only observing and while observing … examining, ONLY myself.