All I Wanted Was Love

by Destiny Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/28/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781438908168

About the Book

All I Wanted was Love is about true life experiences.  It is about a girl, Destiny, who searches for love in all the wrong places.  The death of her mother at an early age, combined with a lack of a father, fuels her frantic quest for love and acceptance.

   Family as well as friends continuously disappoint her; she doesn't feel that anyone loves her; not even God.  Her aunt, who takes her in after her mother dies, she feels does so only to fulfill her promise to her sister; she never wanted children.  Destiny's grandfather, to whom she was very attached, ends up disappointing her tremendously, and to make matters worse, her uncle, the one person she does feel loved by, is killed in a tragic accident.

   Her desperate need to be loved impairs her judgment as she pursues a multitude of relationships.  Inevitably, each one ends with her feeling hurt, disappointed, and betrayed.  Thus, a loveless life full of heartache seems to be her plight. 

   Despite Destiny's torment, she manages to put herself through college by working full time as well as to develop enough self-respect to extricate herself from many abusive relationships.  Ultimately, she becomes pregnant by a love interest, and then is faced with the ultimate decision; should she have the baby, and if so, should she marry the father and settle for a man who she's not sure will give her the love that she longs for.  Will she find love?  No one knows for sure.

   Although the situations in All I Wanted was Love are extreme, at its core, it is a story about the inherent struggles and hardships in life, love, and growing up.  As such, every reader will identify with, cry with, and root for the main character, Destiny.

About the Author

     Destiny Smith is a thirty-one year old woman whom loves
God dearly.  She has been through a lot in her life and has a
desire to express that through writing.  God placed it on her
heart to write this book.  Although, it is fictional it was derived
from true life experiences.  Destiny feels that anyone and
everyone that wants to be loved can learn something from
it.  She is from Alabama and still lives in Alabama.  Destiny
Smith is married to a wonderful man.  She has a seven-year-old
son and a ten month old daughter.  She has a Master's degree in
Education and teaches secondary English/Language Arts.  She
loves children and has a passion to teach them, as well as
write.  Destiny Smith has published a few poems several years
ago, but this is her first published novel.  She has a desire
to publish many more novels, songs, and poems in the near
future.  She has been writing since she was ten years old and
plan on writing as long as she keeps experiencing life and as
long as God keeps placing it on her heart.