The Village Heroes Meet the Dragon

by Patti Vincent



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/21/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781438917641

About the Book

The Village Heroes Meet the Dragon is a sequel to The Village Heroes.

Now that the dragon has returned, the heroes have decided to make the dragon feel accepted.

They include the dragon in some village activities, and the dragon has the heroes experience magical moments with him.

Will the heroes heed the hidden messages given to them by talking trees, or will they ignore them?

Can they manage to get the dragon to be nice so the Honorable Croaks-a-lot will open his tower for village parties?

Join the adventures these friends have as the dragon flies them to some special places.

Like The Village Heroes this book is great for parents or teachers to read to K-2.  Grades 3-4 also enjoy reading the book  themselves.

About the Author