Life on Mitchell Road

by Cynthia Burse Brandon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/8/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781477224755
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781456701376

About the Book

 In my emotional but serious short story, Life On Mitchell Road, there are trouble teens who feel unloved, unworthy, unwanted, unfit and unneccessary.


Freeman is a quiet but somewhat lost and impressionable young man who's crying out for some acceptance among his peers. He meets William a young man with the same problems but a disturbed mind. They've tried to fit in but found the world to be much to cruel. And no matter who they turn to for help they get slapped in the face. Now William has devised a plan to see that no one ever disrespects them again.


Freeman's fought a long battle for social acceptance and social freedom. And still he runs into one brick wall after another. Thanks to his new friend Wiilliam, Freeman feels his fight will soon be over. Quiet young people are usually teased and bullied to the point of embarrassment. They are outcast and rarely show any emotion.


These young teens just need to be accepted. Like anyone else they need someone to talk to. Or the pain, the rejection and the embarrassment will eat them up inside like cancer. And sooner or later this will mentally take its toll, and eventually they will explode.


Today is the day to take final exams. The underclassmen have two weeks left in school. But this is the senior's last day of class and no one was prepared for what was about to happen. No one knew who, what, when or why. All they knew was something had happened at Mitchell Road School.


Life On Mitchell Road relates to our troubled teens and their struggle thru everyday living.


Freeman realizes that two wrongs don't make a right. And just because he's hurting doesn't nean he's lost out on life. He virtually becomes the hero.

About the Author

Cynthia Burse Brandon one of four children lived in the home with her father, mother and three brothers. The house was full of books she remembers, as her mother always took the time to read as many as she could before bedtime. The Cat In The Hat was a favorite series her brothers seemed to love, but Cynthia loved Cinderella.  Her mother played a selection of records that taught her and her brothers lessons about life. For example, some of the songs were Whistle While You Work, Never Play With Matches and Swimming can be fun, just to name a few. She is the widow of John Brandon Jr. who she resently lost to a long battle with cancer. The mother of two adult son's Keith and John and grandmother of little Kaylee. Cynthia loves to write she received the Editor's Choice Award in February 2007 for Outstanding Achievement in Poetry, her poem has been recorded for the visually imparied, in 2002 she submitted an article for the Viewpoint in the Commercial Appeal as well as being named The Change Champion for September 2010 at St. Francis Hospital where she developed the Nursing Assistant Welcome Sheet. This small article will help visiting Nursing Assistance become aware of the duties on the floor the she works on as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Going to school Cynthia feels should not be interrupted by anything or anyone. She tried to install the same values in her sons that her parents instilled in her and her siblings. She only hopes the youth of today will allow themselves to receive a good education and let God direct their path. Cynthia attented Mitchell Road School where she graduated. Cynthia's childhood memories pushed her to write and her faith in the Lord simply guides her.