Getting Back to Good

10 Steps to Be the Change You Wish to See

by Ken Ferrara



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/7/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781434398291

About the Book

"You must be the Change you wish to see in the world."

This profound quote holds answers to the riddles of world peace, environmental issues, eliminating world hunger and suffering, and creating more care and compassion in our world. While that is a lot to ask from a group of twelve words, those same words have even more influence — unlocking gates of fulfillment and happiness in your life. They open doors to better health, improved relationships, attitudes of gratitude, becoming more patient and selfless, as well as finding purpose.

On the surface, Gandhi's insights may seem warm, fuzzy, and well intentioned, but once we get down to brass tacks, do they lack real-world practicality?  After all, what can one person do to bring about change? Well, the answer may surprise you. Consider a variation of Gandhi's quote; "You must be the change you need in your life in order to be the change you wish to see in our world."  Good, positive, beneficial changes you make — becoming healthier, treating others better, and improving your outlook, will enhance your life in many ways and encourage you to share goodness.

About the Author

"I wanted to change the world –

but I found that the only thing one

 can be sure of changing is oneself."

                                   -Aldous Huxley


I like to quote the statement above when people ask me what inspired me to write this book. I was tired of the negativity and pessimism in my life as well as in the world at large. I noticed people were mean, impatient, and intolerant. Violence, greed and selfishness seemed to be prevalent everywhere I looked, leading me to ask, “Why can’t we show more kindness and be more giving, trusting, grateful, and understanding? Why do people (myself included) have to be selfish and negative?”

I woke up to the fact that in order for this world to change, I must be the one to change. Of course, saying I would stop thinking and acting negatively is much easier said than done. But goodness, in all of its facets and dimensions, brings about such powerfully positive, productive results that I simply had to try my hardest to change for the better — you only get what you give.