whole secret to having that healing Christ Consciousness is in the
attainment or in the ability to have a relaxed mind, to meet any
problem, any storm, within, with a relaxed mind. Any storm presented
to your consciousness—with that relaxed mind—is meeting it with
the Christ that says, “Peace, be still,” and then there is
a great calm.
we not see the principle here? What is it that dissolves the storm?
It is the Christ saying, “Peace, be still.” It is the
Christ saying, “It is I, I
am Omnipresent. You are looking at I, be not
afraid.” And then the goal is attained, a great calm follows.
secret to meeting any discord is to meet it with a relaxed mind. When
God says, ‘fear not,’ that is not the Presence of God or
Christ trying to comfort you. “Fear not.” That’s
direction on how to meet it. Fear not! Have no fear, have a
relaxed mind. “It is I, be not afraid.
Fear not, I am with you. I
will never leave you.” This is not something said by Christ to
comfort the poor little human being. This is clear-cut direction; the
Christ of you is saying, “don’t fear, don’t meet it with
fear; meet it with I.”
of the best examples I have is the story that I call, “Two Dogs
Barking.” I’m going to repeat it even though I’ve said it in
the past because it points out to me this principle of a relaxed
day I was up in a little travel-trailer in the woods, and I was
sitting on the couch having a meditation, after having read a little
bit. Off in the woods, there were two dogs barking. One of the dogs
was obviously large; you could tell by its low-pitched bark and the
other was probably pretty small because it had a high-pitched, kind
of squeaky bark, and it was very loud. These two dogs were really
going at it—barking and snarling and snapping. You could tell that
the big dog was about to tear that little dog into pieces. And here
I was sitting on my couch listening to this scuffle, this storm, that
appeared to be without, but was actually within my consciousness. I
couldn’t meditate at all. How do you meditate when that’s going
on? Suddenly it occurred to me, “Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
This is in my consciousness and I should be able to do
something about this.”
so I got as quiet as I could in spite of the racket and they were
really going at it. I expected to hear the high pitched little dog
crying and running off. And I’m meditating and they’re barking.
I’m meditating and they’re shrieking. I’m meditating and
they’re really going at it.
Suddenly the little scripture came to me, “Not by might”
and I relaxed my body. “Nor by power,” and I relaxed my
mind. “But by My Spirit.” And I said within myself, “Wait
a minute. I can’t use God. Now God, you use me.” I relaxed my
entire being and I suddenly felt flooded with the Presence. And there
was a great calm because Christ had said, “It is I,
be not afraid. My Presence is here.” And
there was a great calm.
I stayed in that calm for a few minutes and, when I opened my eyes I
thought; “Hey, what happened to those dogs?” Because there was a
silence outside, that storm was not outside; it was within
consciousness, and as I reached that great calm, well, that is where
I was living - in that calm. I even opened the door and looked out,
and listened – nothing: total calm. Now, either those dogs became
friends and walked down the road wagging their tails, side by side,
or they simply walked away in different directions, but nothing
storm ceased and there was a great calm; as within so without,
because without is really within. We understand Saint Thomas, in the
Book of Thomas, when he says that Christ said, “The outside must
become the inside and the inside the outside,” don’t we? There
was a great calm, as within, so without. And I realized, and am
realizing even today, that the answer to any storm—any storm—is
to meet it with a relaxed state of being, to meet it with no power
whatsoever. No resistance. No fear. No anger. No physical might, no
mental thoughts, no mental power, and no mental statements. We do not
calm the storm by any effort - physical or mental. We calm the storm
by becoming still, by having a relaxed mind. And in that relaxed
mind, Christ asserts Itself and says to the storm within, “Peace,
be still,” and there follows a great calm. Or Christ appears
and says “It is I, be not afraid,” or
“Have no fear, it is I.” And
immediately the goal is attained. And the goal is a great calm.
we see that? This is the whole secret of having that mind in you
which was also in Christ Jesus. The Christ-mind is a relaxed mind,
having no fear, having no effort, having no power. Simply knowing “It
is I, be still.”