On the Heels of Desire

by Sheryl S. Roberts



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/1/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781438911670

About the Book

After piecing her life back together Stevie has to decide if the business she’s started is going to cost her more loss.  Her right hand man, Alec Corbeit is her greatest supporter when all goes wrong.  Would knowing of his years of planning to find a place in her life change that?

            He was standing above them, waiting for his wife and her hired hand to wake.  What would she say?  Those eyes would say it all, that much Alec knew.  Wounded, afraid and finally angry she would curse him and take back every gesture of love she’d ever given him.  And then Stevie would shove him aside, wanting only to walk back into the arms of her powerful husband.  Alec jerked awake from the dream still able to see the faces of the happy couple- mocking him.

            This was no robbery interrupted.  His nemesis had been combat trained and quick.  As he searched her home his own ghosts drove him further into a private hell.  The widow had lost none of her beautiful possessions so did that mean they were looking for signs of him?  And how much danger was she in if they were?

            She did not hear him come up behind her and settle himself a short distance away.  Gently his presence invaded her senses.  Stevie realized she truly did not fear him.  She let this sink in before raising her eyes to meet Alecs’.

            “I have a bit more to tell you,” he said softly.  “I’ve held on to this secret for so long, pushing away my guilt as each time we’ve held each other I’ve loved you more…”




About the Author

Sheryl hails from the backyard of Twain country in America’s hometown. She lives with one remaining child at home and plays the role of soccer Mom. Her duties as a single parent come first always, but after high marks of a theses paper in college she held on to the seed of her dreams- to follow other women who have become successful, published authors.

Content to work with children in developing stories for young minds she raised her family, operated a childcare center and worked temporarily for the US government, putting her hearts desire aside but never forgetting it. As she anticipates helping others with this publication she continues to work on several other projects.

The message most important to Sheryl is to encourage others to reach beyond their hardships and comfort zones and believe in themselves to follow their own dreams. Dear to her heart is anyone who is temporarily lost in the struggles of abuse, of any kind, but especially domestic. In her efforts to entertain she also wishes to send rays of hope that will strengthen the creative side of individuals and cultivate in them the mindset to continue climbing out of the dark places of those troublesome relationships. Foremost for all of us is a relationship with self. In fact, ‘Know Thyself’ is the most noted jewel of wisdom that she cherishes and tries to live by.

Now as she steps into a new world of dreams fulfilled and new mountains to climb, Ms. Roberts donates to several causes, in her future works and personal life. Other endeavors, written with a co-author and some solo, include a wide venue of stories, including her personal story of survival and growth out of her own dark times.

            Both Sheryl and myself- her editor and friend, hope you enjoy the message found in this, her first manuscript,  “On the Heels of Desire.”

            All of us great or small, are entitled to redemption.


Watch for A TREASURE IN TIME, with co-author M. D. Anderson.