I Can't Seem to Make Ends-Meat

by M. W. Hubbell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/7/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781438904047

About the Book

Have you ever done something so funny that you wanted to share this event with everyone? I have and I am. This book is about the events in my life and those around me and how, for some reason I'm still alive. In my short existance on this planet I have seen and done more than most people have done in a life time. And the party isn't over....you can bet that more of my life events will be printed for all to read. Life is short, enjoy your time on this wonderful and incredible place we call Earth.

About the Author

I have always paid close attention to life and the simple events that have happened to me. One night while sitting at the computer I decided to share my life events with the public. Most people will simply let life go by and never ever question "Why didn't I do this and why didn't I do that". Well, I decided that I wanted people in the World to realize that they are not alone and to speak up. Don't be afraid to be human...we all make mistakes...just read this book...I'm definetly human. At least my wife think so.