Three Minutes with God

A Weekly Devotional for Inspiration and Encouragement

by Jarvis E. Bailey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/1/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781438924960
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781468538311
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781438924977

About the Book

Three Minutes With God was written for busy people –those who can’t always make the time for devotions, but who realize the value it can add to their quality of life.  The methodology is simple – read, reflect and respond.  The scripture and the devotion are the same for the entire week, and there’s an opportunity for journaling and praying, as well as a call to action.  The book is a practical resource that is easy to use.  The reader, rather than feeling burdened by another task, will be encouraged and excited by the opportunity to slow down for a moment with God–three minutes to be exact. 

About the Author

The Reverend Jarvis E. Bailey is passionate about the benefits of faith and the positive impact it can have on a person’s life, and proposes that devotional time with God is a key element in unlocking and energizing that faith.  A Christian minister for 25 years, the author has served as an Army Chaplain, Senior Pastor, Church Planter, and a community and civic affairs leader.  Rev. Bailey believes that “the quality of a person’s life depends on the quality of their relationship with God,” and he has committed his life to helping others achieve the highest quality of life possible.