Holiday Histories Vol 1

Santa's Off Season

by Mike D. Burke



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/22/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781438909554
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781438909547

About the Book

Holiday Histories Vol. 1: Santa's Off Season

      What does Santa do after December 24th? What adventures could the big man have had all these many years? Are they sacred secrets, who holds the documents to these secrets?

      Santa has had many adventures throughout the years and is only one of many Legendary Figures in the world that the Holiday Historian has kept tabs on all these millenias. The pseudo true tale told in this book is just one of many adventures had by Santa and his buddy boys and girls! Join the Holiday Historian through an untold historical tale about the adventure that almost took Santa Claus and Jack Frosts life and jeopardized the legendary marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Claus!!

      Learn new tales of Santa's youth and what made him the man he is today!

      Is this historical tall tale his last great sleigh ride? Find out in...Holiday Histories Vol.1 Santa's Off Season !!!!

About the Author

      Mike D. Burke is the author of the short story humor book, Short Stories of a Man Named Frankie Dingle. He is 19 and currently attending college for a major in Illustration and a minor in creative writing. He dreams of becoming a Comic Book Creator, Penciller, Writer and a world wide renowned Author of great books! His current book is Holiday Histories Vol. 1: Santa's Off Season. So far he has only published two books and no comics but he's working on more believe you me!! So just wait for more from this creative work horse and be amazed!