Little Benjamin and the Red Fire Ants

by Corey W. Turner, Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/3/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781491869482

About the Book

Little Benjamin enjoys playing outside Grandma's house, because there are many new and exciting creatures to see and discover. One day, he goes on an adventure to see up close the red fire ants that live behind Grandma's house. In the end, his fears are conquered and he begins to explore the little critters that live around him. These explorations help him to appreciate and understand the world in which he lives.


About the Author


Dr. Corey W. Turner was born in Dallas, Texas but spent most of his younger years living in a country setting outside of Dallas. His explorations of insects and bugs as a child led him on a path to become a biomedical scientist. He published a scientific article after discovering that Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan bug, made a protein that allowed it to get inside of human heart cells. Today, he teaches college students microbiology at universities and is a first-time children's book author. His goal is to inspire children around the world to explore nature, because life is all around us and it is extraordinary.