Wrappers and Revelation

Finding God in all the wrong places

by H. Dale Lloyd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/17/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781438936772
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781438936789

About the Book

Religion has relegated the discovery of God to certain “holy” places- very narrow, very exclusive, very limited. The trauma begins when God discloses Himself outside the narrow legitimacy of the religious correctness we designed to contain Him. When the Revelation overflows the wrapper it is presented in; when the Gift stands in stark contradictory contrast to the instrument of its presentation the ‘fun’ begins. Running through the environment in which the growth of personal faith occurs is the stress of properly discerning the often conflicting relationship between the gifts of God and the boxes in which those gifts are presented. That stress-stretching challenge enlarges the capacity of the soul to receive that transcendent Reality that always overflows and refuses our best efforts of containment.

About the Author

Forever fascinated with words, Dale held his school chums spellbound with his spontaneous stories. His poetry caused teachers to challenge his claim of authorship. It seemed natural that he would find his profession in communications. Dale has indulged his passion for words in both writing and public speaking - from Africa to the islands of the Caribbean, to crisscrossing the US, and from coast to coast in his native land of Canada.

Love of words and transparency of nature make for a wonderful mix. His communication is not cold, sterile, indifferent, or merely academic. The reality of the human condition - its strength and vulnerability, its passion both negative and positive, its hopelessness, and its redemption - is ever-present. His painful dislike of “mere religion” and passionate love of S/spirituality make for strong, pointed, aggressively honest, yet compassionate communication.


Publication was always a consideration, but remained on the fringe of consciousness. “Once words are published they are scattered to the wind, and there is no recovering them, no gathering them up again.” But now he has taken that leap into the unrecoverable world and has exposed his soul to the inevitable vulnerability. He has concluded that, tragically, the greatest books are not on the shelves of libraries but in the cemetery - unwritten and buried with those who carried them. With no desire to perpetuate that sadness, Dale’s magic with words is finally being presented in  the published form.


Dale continues the attempt to perfect his “magicianship” from his home in the sleepy hamlet of Newburg, Ontario, Canada where he lives with his darling wife, Wenda, and their beautiful daughter, Darline- and of course, Buddy (Sir Buderick) their fifteen pound schnauzer who delights in “speaking his own words” to the neighbourhood cats that trespass his sanctuary.