A New Way Of Eating To Promote And Sustain Good Health And Proper Weight

by Trish Blascak



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/22/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781438944296
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781438944289

About the Book

This book was initially intended to nurse Trish’s son back to health and keep her other children free from the same type of illness (illness caused by food additives and chemicals).  It was also intended as a handy tool for her clients with food sensitivities. However, it has been discovered that eating on a rotation not only eliminates current food issues, but prevents future food issues as well.  Eating on a rotation can reduce inflammation and promote weight loss.  A rotation diet can restore energy and promote overall health. This book not only defines the Rotation Diet but also offers tools and recipes for its success.             

About the Author

Trish grew up in a busy household of 11 people, several cats, dogs, and even rabbits.  Many friends, relatives and acquaintances passed through the revolving door of her household, sharing a variety of ideas, stories and foods.  With such diversity and a love for the kitchen, Trish began her cooking ‘hobby’ at the age of 9 years old.  Her first task was to make brownies for the family dinner. The brownies were well gone before dinner, but Trish’s ambition for cooking remains to this day.

Trish’s yearning for health and fitness has also been a strong thread throughout her life.  This is apparent with her Certification of Reike, her Certification of  Fitness Nutrition Coach, the food sensitivity testing she does, the learned EFT and muscle testing, the quest for reflexology, Feng Shui, aroma therapy, numerology, herbology, iridology, meditation,  yoga, the few years of pre-nursing school and just about anything homeopathic particularly with foods and nutrition.  Somewhere in all of that Trish ended up with an Associates degree in Applied Science, a Bachelors degree in Science and Business, and is currently working on her Masters degree in Holistic Nutrition.

Trish is married and busy with 4 children of her own.  It was not until her oldest child moved out on his own, that she put her talents together to create books as health and recipe guides for her children.  Between school, work, the kids’ busy schedules and the household, Trish continues with her creative, healthy cooking, and writing.