Passages from the Heart

by Chuck Sisson; Beth Cooper



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/23/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781438920467

About the Book

Passages from the Heart was compiled primarily as a record for our family, but I think you may find some of the writings to be interesting, even entertaining and they may inspire you to try the same thing with your own family.

About the Author

This book of writings features Chuck Sisson. Chuck published his first novel Pitch Black in the fall of 2008.The story of the trials and tribulations of a young man trapped in “the pitch dark” of the basement and his brother’s relentless search to find him. The desperate search takes the brother to the Navajo Reservation and a brush with murder in a high-stakes drug game.


Sisson completed his doctorate at The University of Colorado. He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Kansas State University at Emporia.


Chuck resides in McKinney, Texas with his wife, Paula. He has six children, thirteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.


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The artist that provided the images in this publication was Beth Cooper


Beth Cooper has been writing and illustrating books for herself since she could hold a pencil.  She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of North Texas and spent twelve years designing interfaces for websites before returning to her roots.  These are her first illustrations to be published. 


Beth enjoys drawing using colored pencils, pastels and graphite and gets her inspiration from nature and traveling with her family in their RV.  She lives with her husband and son in San Antonio, Texas.

You can Email Beth at