Macy's Adventures in the Dark

by Kandy S. Mason



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781467039246

About the Book

Macy’s Adventures in the Dark is an illustration of how you can’t judge someone by their outward appearance or by the handicaps they have on the outside. We adopted Macy at 8 months of age from our veterinarian after she was left by the breeder when he realized she was blind. Macy left home one night and was gone for over two weeks. We continued to pray for her to return home worried each day about what was happening to her. We realized that her blindness could only cause her more hardship. However, when we were called by a friend that she had been spotted after two weeks, we were amazed how far she had wondered off. She was in good condition other than her scarred up face from running into briars in the woods and a little underweight. We pondered the events that she may have faced along the way. The characters are illustrations of light that touch our lives along the dark path of life. Each character is based on the personalities of our family members. A funny and delightful story for children yet enlightening for adults on how you can return from the wrong turns you take in life if you pray and trust in God and seek advice from the good people that God has put in your path.

About the Author

Kandy Sanderson Mason is the Preschool Minister of First Baptist Church of Jackson, Mississippi. Macy’s Adventures is her first Children’s book. She has a passion for animals and teaching children. Kandy lives in the country with her husband Clay of 22 years, their Godson Timothy, 4 horses, 3 cats, seven adopted dogs, 23 chickens and a parrot.