The Thunder Drums of Heaven

by James W. Bryner



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/9/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 688
ISBN : 9781438923888

About the Book

The Thunder Drums of Heaven tells the stroy of a military conflict that occurs as a result of the financial collapse of the United States Federal Goverment.

The story focuses on a group of patriots who attempt to establish a new government that is based on the federal constitution, and the conflict that results when they try to reunite the fifty states.

The story concentrates on a young regular army major who plays a pivotal role in both reestablishing a new federal government and in the the defense of the growing union of states in the resulting conflict.

It is a fast paced military action/adventure with a bittersweet love story woven in.  

About the Author

James W. Bryner lives with his wife on Lake Pomme de Terre in southwestern Missouri. He is presently hard at work on the next book in this series. Mr. Bryner spent nine years in the U. S. Army, and is a graduate of the University of Miami of Coral Gables, Florida.