The Otherworld and Beyond

Series I, A New Beginning

by J.R. Freeman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/4/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781438934686
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781438934679

About the Book

Does God exist? Many have plagued the notion that he doesn't, but let the TRUTH be known for we are in our last days of tribulation. But why can't we speak to him if he does exist? People are people, they will think what they want to think, but if you listen to what the word says you will know. This book will take you on an experiential journey to and from the other worlds. It will teach you the way of life and the knowledge of vision thus create a bridge to the known and the unknown. The most important question that brew among the mind of the people will be answered. HE EXISTS. This book is in proof that he does.

About the Author

J.R. Freeman was born 1968 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The doctors were astonished at a particular birth of a baby with a caul, typically called a veil that either covers the face or the entire body of very few newborns. At that very moment, J.R's mother knew he was special. Throughout his early stage of life with this incredible second abiltiy, he lived between worlds. He could see and talk to all spritiual beings. This was a stage in J.R.'s life that almost made him skeptical of life until he embraced the other world. What was so amazing after all these years, J.R. decided to join the United States Air Force. And at his18th year of the military service, he was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and slipped into a coma. While under this condition, he went through a transformation into something unique. The high level of intense power was in his possession. For many years this white light was around him, but now by the grace of God it now manifest in him. The biggest question that many asked, "Does God exist?" And let me tell you this, He didn't waste forty years of his life to prove that he does. This book will take you on an experiential journey to and from the other worlds. It will get you to the door of the Father. It is you who have to walk through. His name is TRUTH...If you didn't get anything out of this book at least get the concept of prayer and request. It is so crucial to your existence.