Ghosts of Amelia & Other Tales

by Maggie Carter-de Vries



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/11/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781438938189

About the Book

A collection of ghost stories and other tales, some passed down from generation to generation, on the charming island of Amelia in northern Florida.

About the Author

Maggie's writing jumps from genre to genre including short stories, ghost stories and poetry.

Born in Charleston, South Carolina, second oldest in a family of six children she traveled extensively as an army brat and later on as an adult. An entrepreneur in the true sense owning several businesses until 2006 the idea of working seventy hours per week no longer appealed as the life style she and her husband Dutch desired.

Now an almost perfect balance of writing, working part-time, spending quality and quantity time with grandson Andrew and the rest of the family is what make her world a perfect place.

She is Group Leader of the Florida Writers Association, Amelia Island Chapter and volunteer for the Amelia Island Book Island Festival.