When America Divides

a novel

by Douglas W. MacDougall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/2/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781438969527

About the Book

John and Ellen and their neighbors, all farmers in Southeastern Ohio,  witness the depravity of economic destruction brought about by a government that has seized control during an economic downturn. The government imposes a socialistic republic on  America, but it fails to revive the economy. But by having the media and Congress on their side, they continue in their misguided ways in a vain attempt to retain power. The situation is brought to the farm in several different examples until a man, Jesse Eldridge, arrives. He is on his way west to seek freedom in a sympathetic environment. He stops long enough to leave a lasting mark on the Ohio residents.

The results of that trek west ends with the establishment of a new nation as an alternative to the United States. Based on the principles of the Founding Fathers, Eldridge attempts to recreate a society of simpler values that relies on the best of human nature at the heart of government. He believes that power in the hands of people is the best way to provide honest and moral leadership.

The book is a fictional story of what could happen if we, as a free nation, allow too much power to fall into the hands of one group of people. A group determined to impose their concept of how the United States and the World should be governed.

About the Author

Douglas traveled the world as a salesman for forty years. Doing so, allowed him the opportunity to see first hand the different governments and how their actions affected their citizens. He foresaw the present day change in political direction and conceived this novel as an attempt to awaken the American people to what could happen if it is not reversed. Aside from the pessimism of a socialist rule, Douglas creates an alternative solution.  Douglas lives in Ohio with his wife and enjoys reading, traveling and watching the American scene.